Tuesday, July 26, 2011

GiveAway EdY : still beauty

Selamat Sejahtera myLOVELY readers!!

Jom kawan2 join INI

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The most important RULE are u'all need to FOLLOW both of this blog :

Tarikh tutup penyertaan pada 11.59 malam, 7 Ogos 2011

Note : Hadiah dia COMEL2 OK..huhu

Hope I'm LUCKY again!!
Till then


Unknown said...

thanks sudi join giveaway ni...good luck yer...:)

msredcheesecake said...

tengs tag msred...nak patung angry bird tu...hheee

Faten Rosli said...

Edy Zaidi :
welkem.. bg menang tau..huhu

Faten Rosli said...

msredcheesecake :
nape ila plk?..fatin la..aishh..huhu
fatin pun nk angry bird tue.. :))